Review of Feb 22 @ The Box, Brisbane

(Original post: Matthew Vale, Son of Sea and Mr Rascal @ The Box 22-2-13)
Christian Duell from ‘You In Reverse’ asked me to cover a gig he was playing at with his other musical project, Mr Rascal. I thought sure, another rock gig, no problem. However, on the evening I was met with something quite different…

The venue was The Box in West End, which used to be the old clothing store ‘Box Vintage’. Creeping down a back alley I arrived late to a small set up of chairs, fairy lights and three well-dressed gentlemen on stage with acoustic guitars. Perhaps not the rock gig I was thinking of earlier, no earplugs needed this time.

Essentially, the concept of the night was for each performer (Matthew Vale, Son of Sea and Mr Rascal) to take turns introducing each song before moving through their repertoire. Simple enough. The main thing I wasn’t prepared for was the calibre of musicianship and song writing that was on display. Each of them played through their tunes effortlessly, exchanging harmonies and accompaniments at will. It was more like watching three friends that new each other’s songs playing in an intimate lounge room rather than a ‘gig’.

Even the onset of a summer shower failed to dampen the mood, as the whole show was packed up and moved inside to a cosy room with a grand piano tucked away in the corner. The lights were dimmed, candles were lit (the photographers cursed) and the show went on.
It was a pleasant evening with a slightly different crowd to what I am accustomed to. Not exactly the same patrons who would normally attend a gig at The Waiting Room or The Zoo. Matthew Vale, Son of Sea and Mr Rascal all have albums/EPs out, so I suggest that you buy one and a bottle of wine and take next Sunday afternoon off. (Unless you’re going to the Rock and Rock BBQ…)

Review by Thomas Oliver, originally published in “Something From The Scene” (